

Sunday, January 29, 2006

:: happy new year ::

i hope this year would be a good year for everybody. last year was not a very enjoyable year for most i guess. lots of bad stuff happening.

i can only think of 1 good thing that happened to me. that is... haha. people who know me personally will know what i mean.

Friday, January 20, 2006

:: my heart's a tart ::

the title just says it all.

Thursday, January 19, 2006

:: 1st day ::

today is not supposed to be the first day of school actually. there was a lecture last friday and no one except the lecturer turned up. cool huh. because they only sent out the timetable yesterday. how stupid can that be. and there will be no make-up lessons. i think the system is really lousy. i think it's the only institution that doesn't have online enrolment. everything has to be done in person or by post.

the potter fever is really catching up on me. when people pass me along the streets, i can feel a voice saying in my head, "tut tut... muggles." and i really wish i can apparate to places i want to go. i don't know why but i feel giddy when i take the bus these days. i guess i am just too used to the mrt. actually i wouldn't mind travelling by floo powder.

lecture has been ok. i didn't know what to expect actually. it's not that boring that i would fall asleep, but 3 hours lecture is quite a killer.

i didn't raise my hand when i knew the answer to the question. i just waited and see if someone else can answer it or if the lecturer gets impatient and give us the answer. it would be a great incentive if the lecturer will point at me and say "10 points to gryffindor" if i get the right answer.

quidditch practice now. byebye.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

:: harry potter ::

i've just finished reading the order of the phoenix and i thought i would write down what i really feel about rowling's really successful series of books.

i never really liked harry potter in the book. and after finishing the 5th book, it has further reinforced my opinion of him. he's just an ordinary kid who has got lucky all this time.

it relates to our real world actually. what kind of friends we have would actually determine our fate. without the people around him, i would think that potter might have just died. but, of course, trelawny's prophecy might just see thru it that he gets lucky.

blogger actually acts like a pensieve when i come to think of it now. we write our daily thoughts and experience into it. and after a long time has passed, we can actually look back at this space and retrace our thoughts. that would of course depend on what kind of things we write here. whether it's mediocre talk or something really worth jotting down.

my heart goes out to ron and neville.

i've always liked ron for his honesty towards his friends. and he has always stayed loyal to them, even when he finds his guts failing him.

i think neville is a boy that has no cunning in him. straightforwardness has earned himself a good impression in me. his attempts to excel at hogwarts would be because he holds his parents in high regard (my understanding). and most of all, i feel that he really loved his friends and parents. i really felt a sting in my heart when he pocketted the sweet wrapper that his mum gave to him albeit his grandma asking him to throw it away.

dumbledore put the blame to sirius' death on himself. but i felt that harry should have been matured enough at his age to be more responsible and rational. his quick temper had caused alot of mishaps.

till i have more to add to my pensieve again.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

:: the first post in 2006 ::

it has been many days since the new year has arrived. after the demise of the trusty computer, i haven't been surfing for a long time. that explains the huge lag in my blog posts.

i was on my dad's laptop for all these while my comp died. and i did nothing but to play maplestory. i'm now using a very old pentium 3 that was left unused for a long time at home. i could still visit websites and do the regular stuff like msn and all that on this comp. but i don't think i can play maplestory. blah.

ok. the new year's been ok so far. nothing exciting that's worth mentioning. but i do hope it will become better as the days go by. last year was pretty bad actually. lotsa stuff happened.

school will start in about a week's time. and hopefully by then i am more settled. after such a long period of "free" life. it might be a good thing to go back to something more "scheduled".

oh yes new year resolutions.

i've made quite a few this year. i forgot what did i make last year and therefore wouldn't know whether i achieved it. but i set fairly achievable targets this year and i do not think there would be any problems accomplishing them.

i love you, refund, sunny, gerbin, poker. that's in no order of preference.