:: busy busy ::life is so packed with stuffs i find that i can't really breathe at times. i am simply not equipped with the skill of juggling the different aspects of my life in a smooth fashion.
i do not have a maid to clean up after me at home. and that would also mean there is no one to relieve me of the daily chores.
it was a typical day at work. a long day after dealing with unreasonable people on the phone. tolerating loud and rude colleagues that love to let their tongues wag behind the unsuspecting victims. it's quite a political environment, but still bearable.
then comes the time to pack up and leave the dreaded place.
it was dinner time when i left the place at 6. at this point of time, whether the food was healthy or not does not matter anymore. and whether if it was nice is not a factor either. i just needed to eat. the growling of the stomach coupled with the rowdy environment just made the day seem really lousy.
after swallowing the food in 3 minutes, i shoved thru the crowd to arrive at the mrt station. as usual, it was really crowded with the working class people. all hopes of finding a seat on the train immediately vapourised.
the ride is long and boring. i just plugged in my ipod and let the music playing from it numb myself. i closed my eyes while leaning against a pole. i tried to seperate myself from the rest of the people, spiritually. i needed the peace.
the 10 minutes walk upslope back home is not something i looked forward to after such a tiring day. i dragged myself up the slope in a limping manner. i was too tired to lift my feet.
refund's barking made me smile to myself at the gate. i am home.
i opened the gate and briskly walked to the door and offed the alarm. i took off the shoes with much effort and opened the door. more barkings. i was being expected. it felt great.
i opened the door to be greeted with a messed up room.
i sighed to myself.